I would say the most frustrating thing in my life right now is the mass of ideas that I have and can't take action on. My recent rant on education was just a brief excerpt of my thoughts on the subject and more of just a way of getting my thoughts out than an actual 'blog.' Although is any of this really a real blog? Who knows. More like a log of my random insanity.
But I'm probably going to start writing articles to try and get them published here soon. I'm done with essays for the rest of my high school career, and I really do love to write, so I figure I should probably give it a shot. Perspective from a high school junior. Meh.
Probably won't turn out well, but I need to do something with these thoughts in my head. I'm going to go insane if I don't. For example, I improved the Myers-Briggs personality profiles last night with a friend. We were talking about how we were both INTJ and yet we were so different. We often had the exact same thought processes and the random stuff we said just sort of made sense to each other, but we made completely different decisions. He seemed to be more impulsive and act on emotions a lot more, and yet he claimed to rarely if ever experience emotion. I started thinking about this a bunch, and realized that the Myers-Briggs personality profiles really didn't account for emotion. So I figured that there were two factors to a person's emotion: one for how often they experience emotion, and one for dealing with that emotion. So for my friend, he rarely experiences emotion and therefore can't deal with it as well when it does strike, which results in his impulsivity or ability to overcome reason. So yeah. Pretty good Monday night eh?
Wow, really exposing my inner INTJ right now. Oh well.
So yeah, bottom line is that I want to find a way to profit from my tendency to attempt to reason things out and find solutions. Not quite sure how that'll work that this point, but we'll see.